Lake Erie Walleye Magazine 

The Complete Fishing Scene on Lake Erie
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Send Us Your Photo to post on the Braggin' Board
Send .jpg or .gif file to [email protected] or mail photo to:
Lake Erie Walleye
P.O. Box 421
Ballwin, MO  63022

The 1999 Braggin' Board
Trophy Walleyes Taken in Lake Erie during the 1999 Fishing Season

Mark Lenco
July 27, 1999
Central Basin
Two 30 inchers; 9 pounds 8 oz and 10 lbs

Tom Haberman
November 23, 1999
Cleveland, OH, 
Central Basin
 16.19 pounds

New Ohio state record 

Sam Bennett
May,  1999
Western Basin
9 lbs8 oz, 30 inches

Sam Bennett
May,  1999
Western Basin
12 lbs 2 oz, 31 inches

Kim Yonkers
May 15, 199
Central Basin, Lorain Area
10 pounder
Larry Wilson
May 8, 1999
Western Basin
Gene Hogan
April 4, 1999
Camp Perry Zone 1, Western Basin
9 pounds, 29"
Sharon Duclos
April 4, 1999
2 miles East of David Besse
11 pounds, 31 inches
Chuck Weller
April 3, 1999
Niagara Reef, Western Basin

Send us your Braggin' Board Walleyes
Simply mail us a quality color photo of your trophy fish to:

Lake Erie Walleye
P.O. Box 421
Ballwin, MO 63022
send via e-mail [email protected] a .jpg or .jpg image file

We'll post your hog 'eye on our Braggin' Board for the world to see.